Matthew Doughty azken 3 urteotan Zaraoben laguntzen egon da, eta badago egun ere hirueledun proiektuetan:
- Hauspoa – Hedatze proiektuetan
- Batxilergoko ikasleekin ekaineko ikastaroan
- Lanbide Heziketan Erasmus-era joan diren ikasleekin
- Irakasleekin mintzapraktika
- Lanbide Heziketa bultzatzeko Plan Estrategikoa – Europar Batasunak kofinantzatuta – NextGenerationEU funtsak baliatuta, Mekatronika zikloan ingeles hizkuntza irakasten laguntzeko.
- Ikasleentzako prestakuntza-egonaldiak Europar Batasuneko herrialdeetan (Vienara joango dira Mekatronikako 2. mailako ikasleak)
Matthew’s truly experience at Zaraobe’s
This year I’ve been given the opportunity to work side-by-side with the students of the Higher VET Mechatronics course in the vocational training college Zaraobe Institutua.
There are two year-groups currently studying Mechatronics and each have the opportunity to follow an English-language syllabus taught by in-house teachers. My responsibility is not only supporting these students linguistically, but also to lead weekly English seminars where we can focus on typical tasks, such as giving presentations or practising interviews. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to improve the general level of English within the group as well as correcting errors that the students may have.
This is an enriching opportunity for me to develop a close working relationship with them in reduced working groups where we can prioritise the areas of English that they will employ in the workplace and on their Erasmus exchanges, thereby allowing them to maximise their employment potential once they graduate.